195 × 260 mm
21 photographs
24 pages
date of publication: 2021
signed and numbered
self published
29 Euro (plus shipping)
photography: Kerstin Hehmann
design: Sandra Aumüller, sandraaumueller.com
paper: ClairTech hochweiß
edition: 30 (10 + 20)
with kind support of:
Stadt Osnabrück,, Fachbereich Kultur
In this piece of photographic work, Kerstin Hehmann deals with social distancing rules in Covid times. She has captured, abstracted and condensed moments of everyday life. There is always another level to be found in the photos: certainhints of the tragicomic as well as a seriousness all depict the subject at hand.
Kerstin Hehmann, Osnabrück, Germany
Tel. + 49-(0)541-804237